Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The world is about to end.

That whole, "I'm quitting caffeine" thing? Yeah, didn't work. I've started drinking coffee again. Only not Air-Force-Grade-Sludge like Brian makes. It's GOOD I-Grew-Up-In-the-Coffee-Snob-Capitol-And-I'm-Not-Ashamed-to-Admit-It coffee.

But I'm out of coffee.

The kids are asleep.

It's after midnight and I'm just now realizing I'm out of coffee.

We have to get up early to go to the doctor.

I'm out of COFFEEEEEE....

Yep. The world is gonna end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The other day I thought I was comming down with a cold or something . . . turns out I just needed a cup of coffee. Look who's addicted!