Monday, January 08, 2007

I know I locked the doors!!

After I got the kids settled in to bed tonight, I decided to take a shower. I locked all the doors, set the alarm, and stepped into hot, steamy, clean bliss. I took a niiiiiiiice long shower, since that's the only time I ever get to take a niiiiiiiice long shower. I got out of the shower and dried off. I put on my robe. I combed my hair. (You enjoy reading my routine, don't you? Good, I thought you would.)

So when I was all squeaky clean & dry, I came back out in the living room.

Now, from the living room you can look directly into Matthew's room.

He wasn't in his bed. So I figured he was in my bed and I just missed him.

He wasn't in my bed.

He wasn't in Bethany's bed. Or Catey's. I couldn't find the child anywhere in the house, and the alarm had never gone off so I didn't THINK he had made it out the door. So I checked the girls' rooms again.

He was asleep on the floor in Bethany's room, not viewable from the door. *whew* Apparently he had been crying while I was in the shower (gee, how's that for a guilt trip?) and Bethany made up a little bed for him with blankets on the floor next to her bed, and told him to come sleep in her room. AAAAAAAAAWWWWW, she can be such a sweet big sister when she wants to be.

Now I have to try to get him back in to his bed, so he's not waking up at 6 AM with her. Fun.


Unknown said...

Aw! What a nice thing for big sis to do!

My brother was a disappearer, too. But his was because he slept so soundly that he didn't wake up when he fell out of bed. They usually found him under his bed, rolled back against the wall. But one time, they found him in the corner of the closet, at the end where the door was closed. That was a panic-filled search, let me tell ya!

Meg said...

Wow, I just had a visual of a big Ty in a tiny body sound asleep under his bed. Does he still like to sleep there?

Unknown said...

Hee! I think he's mostly past it, but he did intentionally sleep on the floor of his closet when we lived in OKC (the blinds were useless at actually keeping the sunlight out).