Friday, January 05, 2007

How many times...

Will I set off the alarm before I learn my lessons?

We're getting the house alarm activated today. Brian's Jeep was broken into on the 1st, and there have been a LOT of home robberies over the last month. Our builder agreed to pay for a year of security, we just hadn't bothered getting it set up until now.

We'll see... the alarm guy is here right now.


Unknown said...

Oh, man. I used to housesit for people with a really complicated alarm system. I lived in constant fear of being hauled off to the pokey because the police wouldn't believe that I was the housesitter. You know how much I resemble your run of the mill hardened criminal, so I was pretty worried.

Good luck with your alarm. May you never have a heart attack from the shock of the stupid thing going off when you didn't realize you'd triggered it.

James T Wood said...

I think you should test it . . . set if off and then see how long it takes for the cops to get there.

Meg said... thanks. It's a $150 fine for intentionally setting off the alarm. Unless you want to pay it, in which case, SOUNDS FUN!!