Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Are you voting today?

For the first time since I registered to vote on my 18th birthday, I am not voting. What with moving and getting settled in and being an out of state voter, I just didn't have time to learn about the issues on ballot in Iowa. It feels WEIRD to not be standing in line waiting to vote this morning.

I'll be thrilled when this whole voting thing is over though. I'm sick of all the political recorded phone calls at 7:30 in the morning on WEEKENDS, and of course at dinnertime. I can't even get revenge by giving Matthew the phone, it's a stupid recording.

In other news, I am TIRED. Exciting, eh? It would be great if I could get in bed and ASLEEP before 10 PM. Especially since Matt's been climbing into bed with us every morning at 4 AM. I love having him in bed with us, all cuddly and sweet, but I'm having a hard time falling BACK to sleep. *sob* I wish he'd take naps so I could get a nap. (Hey, why isn't the font going back?) He's on my bed right now watching cartoons. Maybe I'll climb back into bed with him and cuddle him and catch a nap while he learns his letters and numbers of the day. This nap was brought to you by the letters S, L, EE, and P!


Anonymous said...

voting in Iowa? I thought you were in Oklahoma . . . what gives?

I also am an out of state voter and not able to cast my ballot. Looking at the process from that perspective I feel like all the issues and canidates are oversimplifications of the real issues that cannot be addressed due to their widespread unpopularity.

Meg said...

when I married Brian I took Iowa residency, so I registered in Iowa. I've always done an absentee ballot before, but I just haven't had time to learn about anything this year.