Saturday, February 10, 2007

A story for Gina.

Since we love Spring Chickens & all...

My best friend was over, yet again, not long before Christmas. She was sitting on the love seat in my living room with her leg tucked under her. I was a few feet away, sitting on the sofa. In the midst of random chat, she said, "My leg is asleep and it's REALLY bugging me."

Being the kind, wonderful best friend that I am, I decided to do her a favor. I was going to wake up her leg. By yelling "WAKE UP!" at her leg. So I leaned down, face to knee, and yelled, "WAKE UP!!!"

Only the English language as a whole sometimes manages to defeat me.

So instead, I yelled, "B-GOK!"

Yes, I clucked at my best friend's knee.

Brian got me a round kitchen clock for Christmas. It has a rooster on it. He labeled it, "To Meagan, Love: The English Language."

Kerrie sends me text messages.


They're so mean to me. I should trade them in.


James T Wood said...

Um, dude . . . I'm not sure it's their fault. I remember a certain van ride where the phrase: "Veins of Stipblah" was born into the existence. That's all.

Unknown said...

That? Is an awesome story. Rad, even.