Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I want a beer.

I hardly ever drink anymore. In the last few weeks though, I've drank more than I have in two years. A whopping three beers. And I want another one. Why do I want a beer now?

Because it's what you drink when you're swaying to Lee Greenwood, singing along with him as he belts out, oh-s0-patriotically, "Proud to Be an American" in front of a crowd of Air Force, Navy, And Marines.

Uber-American Lee and Restless Heart are giving a "PATRIOTIC concert" here tonight, and I think it's just down the hill. I might have to convince Brian to go, and get a babysitter so we can have a few beers and be patriotic.

If we go, there will be pictures. Oh yes, photographic fun. :D

1 comment:

James T Wood said...

I want to seem some foto-grafic phun!

It still hurts me a little bit inside that you like country music . . . well, we can't all be perfect ;)

Speaking of beer, I really miss Northwest beer when I'm out here. Bud and Bud Lite are not a beer selection. Give me some microbrews people!